Tuesday, July 21, 2009

continuation of this Project

This project will be continuing via Facebook.
Up to this moment (September 17th, 2009), we have 68 members. Come join us.
See you there.

I will also update the project here.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

計畫說明 about missing children search

I was born in Taipei, Taiwan and grew up with my grandparents. My grandfather was a Chinese buns vendor, he took me to the market to be his company often. He liked to tell me all kinds of stories: civil war in China, ghosts, heroes, fictions, life experience, and stories… Growing up from a small township, to me no missing child could not be found in the neighborhood. People know each other by names and know where they live.

The title of this project is called “Missing Children Search”. The duration will last for 30 days (subject to change according the length of time in residency). 30 volunteer participants in total will support one and other to show comparison and contract of collaboration and random chance in searching 30 missing children.

出生在一個小鎮,沒有任何走失的小孩是找不回來的。祖父是賣饅頭的,常載我去市場跟他作伴。常說故事給我聽;例如: 抗戰時期、聊齋、三國演義、親身經歷等…。

這項計畫是 “PLAY” 一系列創作的延伸,“Missing Children Search” 的計畫依駐村時間的長短而進行。30 位義工將合力尋找30個失蹤兒童,經由此計畫來觀察隨機性的發展及衝突。